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The Growth Life Blog

by admin_growth

Natalie Cook and Sarah Maxwell are beach volleyball players at the highest level, with Natalie having won an Olympic gold medal. While being a great athlete requires physical training, it also requires spiritual training, which Natalie and Sarah have begun helping people with. In fact, they’ve recently taken their spiritual expertise on the road to […]

by admin_growth

What You Appreciate, Appreciates In Part One of this series, we discussed the many benefits to you –not anyone else–if you choose gratitude as your mindset. The best way is choosing gratitude as a way to create the life you want rather than waiting for life to give you a reason to be grateful. And […]

by admin_growth

How are you feeling about life? In your relationships, health, and work? Do you feel appreciative, happy and grateful for what life has handed you or are you wishing you could find a genie to give you a better lot in life? What if I told you that there are many benefits to becoming the […]

by admin_growth

You Don’t Have to Be into Yoga to Meditate Have you ever: Felt so exhausted, you could almost sleep standing up? Had trouble finding your keys, your words, or gone to the fridge just to stand there wondering why you were there? Felt brain fog so dense, you couldn’t focus or even think straight? Dropped […]

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get side-tracked when you’re running a business? You get so caught up in the day-to-day hustle that, before you know it, your health, happiness, and even relationships become strained. Though it may seem counterintuitive to do when you’re working so hard to be a success, it’s […]

by admin_growth

Jen Zelop is both a radio host and a businesswoman. She runs Transformation Talk Radio and the website THRIVE by Jen, both of which offer insight into spiritual growth. Through both of these mediums, she broadcasts her passion for personal development and spirituality, which she believes are inextricably linked. In the Growth U Podcast, Jen […]

by admin_growth

A Guide to Saving You From You How many times have you tried –and failed– to lose weight? If you’re like most people, you’ve tried over and over and over. The web is full of nutrition and exercise plans with promises of astounding fat loss and fit bodies. And yet research shows that most people […]